Burkhalter Partner ImmobilienBurkhalter Partner Immobilien


About us

Short portrait


Welcome to of the Bernese property boutique


Your concerns and wishes regarding real estate are in the best hands with us. We support you personally, individually and familiarly. Burkhalter Partner Immobilien has been successfully active in the market since 1994. Our independent, owner-managed company is based in the Bern and Saanen regions and offers high-quality real estate services in the areas of management, condominium ownership, sales, valuation and First time rental.

Team Liebefeld

«In life, you must never stop learning.»

Fabienne Abomo

+41 31 379 00 05 | E-Mail

Property manager

«A questioning person is halfway to being wise.»

Gaël Aebischer

+41 31 379 00 12 | E-Mail

Team leader condominium ownership, real estate manager

Willy Bally

+41 31 379 00 00 | E-Mail

Facility Manager VIDMARhallen

«Don't dream your life, live your dream.»

Raphael Barbier

+41 31 379 00 16 | E-Mail

Property manager

«Humour is the most sustainable fertiliser in the garden of life.»

Beatrice Baumann

+41 31 379 00 00 | E-Mail


«Character can impress: In buildings, in companies - but above all in people.»

Petra Bernhardt

+41 31 379 00 09 | E-Mail


«Strength lies in tranquillity.»

Nadja Brawand

+41 31 379 00 06 | E-Mail

Real estate manager with federal diploma

«Knowledge in youth, wisdom in old age.»

Hanspeter Burkhalter

+41 31 379 00 03 | E-Mail

Chairman of the Board of Directors/Partner

«The world is a book.Those who never travel only know one side of it.»

Sandra Burkhalter

+41 31 379 00 04 | E-Mail


«Before you go headlong into the wall, think: What do I want in the next room?»

Madeleine Burren

+41 31 379 00 08 | E-Mail

Real Estate Accountant

«Property is not about buildings, it's about people.»

Laurent Jäggi

+41 31 379 00 10 | E-Mail

Property marketer

«When the wind of change blows, some build walls and others windmills.»

Barbara Lehmann

+41 31 379 00 21 | E-Mail

Property manager

«The key to success is self-confidence, the key to self-confidence is good preparation.»

Pascal Mettler

+41 31 379 00 07 | E-Mail

Team Leader Management, Member of the Extended Executive Board

«Don't look for mistakes, look for solutions.»

Stephanie Moreis

+41 31 379 00 13 | E-Mail

Certified real estate specialist

«The greatest thing you can achieve is not to never stumble, but to get up again every time.»

Nicole Müri

+41 31 379 00 20 | E-Mail

Real estate manager with federal diploma

«Personalities are not formed through nice speeches, but through work and one's own performance.»

Rinor Mziu

+41 31 379 00 22 | E-Mail

Property Management Assistant

«We are only held by the limits we set ourselves.»

Chanel Niederer

+41 31 379 00 14 | E-Mail

Property manager

«Work becomes a joy when passion and creativity come first.»

Irena Sikalo

+41 31 379 00 19 | E-Mail

Real estate manager with federal diploma

«The secret of skill lies in the will.»

Laura Vianna

+41 31 379 00 17 | E-Mail

Property manager

Kevin Wenger

+41 31 722 85 63 | E-Mail

K. Wenger Immobilien GmbH, federally certified real estate trustee, real estate appraiser with federally recognised certificate of appraisal

Team Saanen

«There is only one way to fail, and that is to give up before you succeed.»

Sophie Bohnenblust

+41 33 828 88 04 | E-Mail

Property manager

«If everyone moves forward together, success comes naturally.»

Erik Emch

+41 33 828 88 02 | E-Mail

Property manager

«Home is where the anchor drops.»

Sandra Salgueiro

+41 33 828 88 03 | E-Mail

Property manager

«We cannot change the wind, but we can set the sails differently.»

Markus Willen

+41 33 828 88 07 | E-Mail

Team Leader Saanen Office, Member of the Extended Executive Board


22 permanent employees

Training company

Regular training of apprentices

Legal form

Public limited company


April 1994


Petra Bernhardt
Sandra Burkhalter
Hanspeter Burkhalter


Head office Liebefeld
Branch Saanen near Gstaad


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